monsanto32The war against Monsanto and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) rages on. Numerous countries have taken to banning GMO crops, such as in New Zealand, Algeria, Greece, and Hungary. Multiple nations have been criminalizing both the planting and distribution of GMO foods, with some going so far as to even officially sanction burning the crops.
And Mexico now joins the list of those who are choosing to opt out of being a part of the GMO experiment. Mexico has effectively placed an indefinite ban GMO corn, this means that Monsanto, DuPont/Pioneer, and other biotechnology companies will be required to halt all of their activities within the country, and will no longer be allowed to plant or sell their corn or seed in the country.
The public criticism and passionate hatred for GMO foods, and its companies, continues to grow. More individuals are educating themselves on the possible dangers associated with consuming genetically engineered food items, and the concern is inspiring many to get more involved in their food choices and overall health. With many areas pressuring their governments for proper food labeling, so that they can know what is in the items they are purchasing and consuming.
This has also given rise to peaceful solutions to aid consumers in opting out  of the GMO experiment, such as phone apps which scan grocery items, as well as non-GMO label projects. Many insist that GMO crops are unhealthy and can be environmentally dangerous, while its supporters continue to insist that the genetically modified crops improve yield, andsupposedly benefit the environment and community. Keep in mind that perhaps not all genetically modified food items, or modification in general for that matter, are equal. Regardless of the disparity in consensus regarding the safety of danger of GMOs, more nations are continuing to follow suit in banning some, if not all, of the crops.
monsanto33The recent ruling by a judge in Mexico’s Federal District court pertains to cultivation specifically. Commodities traders consequently flooded the U.S. Grains Council in Washington, D.C. with concerns and questions over the decision,
“The issue at hand relates to cultivation. We’ve been tracking this for quite a while to make sure it doesn’t spill over into trade barriers…. In the case of Mexico, we have no reason to believe that what is happening now, with the ruling of the judge, will spill over and affect imports,… The Mexican government has already approved all genetically modified corn grown in the U.S. for import into its country.” – Andrew Conner, manager of global technology for the U.S. Grains Council.
Mexico is the fourth largest consumer of corn in the world, and most often the second largest export market of U.S. corn. Mexico imports an average of almost 5,000 TMT (thousand metric tonnes) of corn, with exports being lower at an average of 82 TMT. Mexico is the sixteenth largest exporter of corn in the world. Despite corn essentially coming from Mexico, the original rich diversity of maize species is being threatened by millions of genetically identical GM plants. With environmental factors threatening to lead to a global biosphere shift, and evolution being a function of environmental stability, it is only sane to limit the growth of GM corn (at least existing varieties) in Mexico, when not everywhere.