Friday, April 23, 2010

TTWP is a farce - with a >99% failure rate!

From llij:

i also feel harassed and confused by Mass. Rehabilitation in boston.
Mass Rehab seems now to be angry with me for going to college (not
financed at all by mass rehab--loans and pell).  Prior to this Mass.
Rehab was supportive about school.

Ticket to work sent a letter stating that I signed something in 2007
about my projected plans in the next few years.  They claim that next
year I will "not be excused" from a medical review if i am not making
the "progress" that I signed on for.

I was not even aware that my Mass Rehab. activities had anything to do
with the ticket to work.  I was not aware that I even signed anything
with the ticket to work.

I wish to be as active as possible but I think this scary letter (I
have a mental diagnosis) has had the effect of sticking an ice pick in
my brain.  I am a wreck.  I have had other problems over the last few
years and am not in good shape anyhow.

Has anyone else gotten a scary letter from the ticket to work lately?

hubba wrote:

If you expect the gubbermint and burrorats to treat you
fairly and with respect, you're delusional and need to up
your meds.

The ticket to work is a farce, a bill designed to put more
burrowrats on the gov. dole and for private companies to milk
the gov. while offering little or nothing to disabled.

It has been some time since I read the TTW provisions but I
believe there is a provision that prohibits them from doing a
review once you are in the TTW program. But they play fast
and loose with the rules. Remember these are burrowrats, they
lack intelligence and they are drunk on power.

Find a disability lawyer to help you, try legal fake aide if
you cannot find a private lawer or take them to court pro se.
You cannot control what these morons do, so there is no sense
getting upset about it. Fight back, that's the best course.

Why do they think you're not complying with the program
goals? Do you have a copy of the goals you supposedly
committed to? Did you even sign an TTW agreement? You're not
giving enuf details for anyone to help you.
Cheryl wrote:

If you question as to whether you've signed something in 2007, you have the
right to ask them for a copy. I think (Jack please correct me if I'm wrong
here) that you could go to your local SS office and ask to look at your file
to see the exact paperwork they're discussing. Seeing it might help you
determine if going to school was part of your plan... or if your plan can be
renegotiated. Otherwise, if you have a mental diagnosis, just get your ducks
in a row (make sure your doctor, counselors, etc. are willing to state you
are still disabled. If they admit to any hesitancy to do so, it will give
you the opportunity to tell them why you feel you are still disabled.

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