Saturday, August 24, 2013

This NSA Twitter Parody Account Is Both Hilarious And Upsetting

This NSA Twitter Parody Account Is Both Hilarious And Upsetting

In response to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s Twitter feed comes @ICofftheRecord. Because sometimes it’s better to laugh than to cry.
When the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence launched its Tumblr account and accompanying Twitter feed two days ago, it was a little hard to believe that transparency initiative would truly shed light on the inner workings of the country’s spy programs. As with many of the recent National Security Agency developments, an online parody was born. And it’s pretty good, if not a bit unsettling.
You know how you will sometimes say, "I never got the email"? We have it.
Does anyone know the country code for Yemen? One of our analysts typed the wrong digits in and ended up listening to a call in Maine.
Sometimes, when we're really bored we like to pretend we're you and respond to emails you haven't replied to.
We're really stunned to learn that tens of thousands of people fail to reply to their mothers' emails. What's wrong with you people?
American people, think you can do us a favor & spell check your emails before hitting send? Would save our analysts a lot of time.
Off the record: that conf call we had for reporters the other day was a ploy to get all of their phone #s. Can't believe they fell for it.

Get it? See, it’s funny because it’s (most likely) true.

Fun fact: whenever you visit our websites, and, we capture your IP addresses and monitor you.
You all realize that when we say we're only collecting "metadata" we're lying right?
Fyi, we plan to lie again to Congress later this month.

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