Thursday, June 3, 2010

My health problems prevent extensive travel

  1. I don't even know if a Greyhound Bus above 2000 feet elevation would be up to snuff! I can feel the threshold as it changes elevation.
  2. As I said once before, I'm likely to go berserk on a plane if the ventilation isn't up to snuff, and only 1/3rd of flights are up to snuff.
  3. RT @otherijustine: Syncing my iPad for the flight home :( sad sad sad!
  4. By the time other people notice a room is "stuffy", I'm suffocating & need to be out of there already.
  5. Just because a state passes a law enforcing future building codes that favor me, doesn't mean I should go back there in my lifetime.
  6. The ventilation system in my building in MN was broken & old people died on the coldest nights, in the building; oxygen % was too low.
  7. The 1999 building code in Minnesota requires newly built homes & buildings to inflow outdoor air into the cubic area of space every 3 hours.
  8. I had to stop going to theaters in the winter because of underventilation issues forcing me to walk out in 15 minutes.

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