Thursday, June 3, 2010

Digging in the purse for the credit cards, naked

  1. RT @TheEnglishRose: This may actually be the worst film Ludacris has ever been in. It's that bad.
  2. RT @TheEnglishRose: I'm watching the movie 'Gamer'. Obviously it's terrible.
  3. RT @otherijustine: Have you stole someones tshirt lately?
  4. RT @RunsLikeBadger: @KarenAlloy they could be metaphysical never knows.
  5. RT @KarenAlloy: LuLu was just digging in my purse for my credit card. Naked. LOL she's JUST LIKE ME!!! weird.
  6. Wondering what the Sweet Valley High TV show would have been like with Karen Alloy in the cast.
  7. RT @KarenAlloy: OMG! terror! I forgot to put a diaper on LuLu. AGAIN! DAMN YOU TWITTER!
  8. RT @KarenAlloy: AHAHAHA
  9. RT @KarenAlloy: Then I bitch slapped her for being rude and left with free merch.
  10. RT @KarenAlloy: lol then she followed me around the store saying how good I look and asked how old LuLu was. I didn't give her my number
  11. RT @KarenAlloy: And I said, "WOW ur rude. I don't know you well enough to discuss this information with you. Buy me dinner."
  12. RT @KarenAlloy: Yesterday when I was at the VS store buying my bikini the first thing the woman said to me at the door was, "Nice boobs. ...
  13. Somebody turned up the mugginess out here, whoa! So humid!
  14. RT @KarenAlloy: I never stay in the pool very long... I'm self conscious about my head

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