Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lauren Holly, my tweetfeed after seeing her blog

  1. The second I clicked to KIDS & THE THINGS THEY SAY! , Kids by MGMT came on Palladia
  2. Horror movies have never really been my thing. Lauren Holly Blog
  3. RT @annspade: For those of you serving or have served in the military... Thank you. ♥
  4. RT @annspade: I'm going to pick a good movie and lay down with a big glass of water. I am SO thirsty! Hope everyone had a great Memorial ...
  5. Back in the '70's, we were 50 miles away from any TV station, so without some serious antenna effort, you couldn't pick anything up.
  6. RT @seanbedlam: At the rally in Melbourne. Probably should have organized to meet motherfuckers here. My planning skills won't be ending ...
  7. I'm getting about what my parents earned 40 years ago before inflation by the '73 gas crisis. Doesn't really pay the rent at all anymore.
  8. ~ Why trust parents if they're gonna act like that!
  9. ~ He'd get ungrounded for 1 day then get another 4 weeks just because he was late for dinner because he was hanging out with me!
  10. ~was grounded almost all the time for years. His parents were so unfair, it's unbelievable how much he was grounded, holy shit!!!
  11. I used play kickball in the street with the twins a few years earlier along with a few other neighborhood troublemakers one of whom
  12. ~ I live 1 block east of G's old house now, & up a long driveway. My parents are 1 long block north of G's old house.
  13. ~ But really, G & L would usually just hide away in the house doing who knows what. G's house was 1 block from my house.
  14. I met Lauren at G's house and spent a few afternoons visiting Lauren on the porch, but I didn't know where Lauren lived.
  15. Growing up in Geneva - Lauren Holly (I delivered papers to G's house & was good friends with the twins - me)
  16. Wonderful Water - Lauren Holly Blog entry 5-31-10
  17. RT @LaurenHolly: Finally, a new blog is up. Why isn't the crisis in the Gulf constantly trending???? We all ...

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