Thursday, June 3, 2010

No respect anywhere

  1. RT @natalietran: Made three half baked videos and have now run out of ideas. Time to binge eat.
  2. ~ there's one less Indian casino booking available for the Little River Band.
  3. 12 tweets ago: RT: alyankovic RT @Neil_Hamburger: Every time a new American Idol is crowned,
  4. RT @KarenAlloy: I can't understand why the grass is wet... I'm going to bed. Screw this!
  5. RT @KarenAlloy: I just fell out of my 2nd story patio thingy
  6. I feel like I'm reliving my own LOST!
  7. RT @ChrisPirillo: I do a movie once every four years and they call it a comeback. [Pam Grier]
  8. RT @BluntNate: Pain tolerance breached. Excuse me while I go insane now. #IhateMySpine
  9. RT @moonfrye: One of the worst sights to walk out on. My poor car!
  10. RT @xsamanthanicole: Photo: Just found my high school Chemathon shirt. I was a wee bit of a chemistry nerd back in the day! I know... ht ...
  11. RT @filmester: Watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs makes me wana eat hamburger
  12. RT @KarenAlloy: That frozen dinner chapped my armpits.
  13. RT @bodhielfman: So @jennaonpurpose made toast... and burned it... and set off the fire alarm... So there's that.
  14. RT @ijustine: Polar bears?
  15. RT @inveve: Yo momma so fat she's got her own area code!
  16. RT @ebertchicago: Lucy is a liberal.
  17. RT @ladygaga: In a Pub in England, ruining bar napkins with lyrics and memories. Dreams are never weak like we are, drunk or sober.
  18. RT @cnnbrk: Police arrest more than 500 in Jamaican unrest.
  19. Radio DJ last night said "We don't respect anybody here, so we don't get any respect."
  20. BRUCE WILLIS - "Respect Yourself" (12" Dance Mix)
  21. The Staple Singers - Respect Yourself
  22. The Staple Singers - I'll Take You There
  23. Sly and the Family Stone - Everyday People
  24. i hate you i mean them missalyss666
  25. top 3 gayest songs missalyss666
  26. RT @tristopiaTV: I'm mentally scarred. New What the Buck.
  27. 1 o'clock & it's already 92 degrees out. What is this global warming afternoon coming too? Probably a severe T-storm when the heat wave ends
  28. The FCC can't put a warning label on me because I'm not a human radio transmitter.
  29. If I played on my computer in class while the teacher was speaking, he'd never know why he can't finish a sentence properly.
  30. RT @hayleyghoover: Option A: Go to class, don't listen, and play on my computer. Option B: Don't go to class, don't listen, and play on ...

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