Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pop17 - Lady Gaga Goes Green (item #22)

  1. RT @ChrisPirillo: All iPads are tablets, but not all tablets are iPads.
  2. RT @Alyssa_Milano: Hello, @wired iPad app. You're pretty.
  3. The Weather Channel on iPad
  4. RT @pop17: I'm starting today's live show at
  5. RT @Twitter_Tips: Two years later, Apple still won't fix Safari for Mac:
  6. RT @pop17: "... the worst spill we've ever seen, and possibly the worst environmental disaster this country has ever seen," Carol Browner
  7. RT @ktla: Watch LIVE VIDEO STREAM of the Gulf Oil Spill
  8. RT @nytimes: Electronics Maker Promises Review After Suicides at Plant
  9. RT @inveve: "Perception is reality. Reality is not reality" - Paul Rand
  10. RT @jillhanner: I just became the mayor of Windsor Café on @foursquare!
  11. RT @aligilliams: NEW POST! (LIGHT PAINTING.)
  12. RT @BreakingNews: Space shuttle Atlantis returns to Earth with 6 astronauts and ends flying career.
  13. It Can Happen by Yes Fan vid by vzqk50
  14. White Car by Yes Fan vid by vzqk50
  15. Tempus Fugit by Yes (1980) Fan Vid by vzqk50
  16. RT @pop17: time flies
  17. RT @BreakingNews: British government reveals size of its nuclear stockpile; says it has 225 warheads - AP
  18. RT @BrookeAlley: The Beach. Its hot. Why not?
  19. RT @ebertchicago: If your next car isn't a hybrid, you gotta lotta splainin' to do.
  20. RT @stevie_ryan: Is t-mobile down right now? If not this blackberry is getting tossed out the window.
  21. RT @pop17: This is what happens when Lady Gaga goes green:
  22. RT @bravesgirl5: Dancing with the stars could also be called Cheek kissing with the stars
  23. RT @MirandaBuzz: Watching the season finale of Parenthood!
  24. RT @MirandaBuzz: Had a great time in San Diego today! Excited that so many radio stations are playing "Kissin U" now :)
  25. RT @HDonoho: I saw a pertty Kaley Cocomo tonight. Lurvs her. Oh Billie...miss ya much.
  26. RT @ijustine: Video from snorkeling earlier.. Some lady kicked the sea turtle :(
  27. RT @Liv_Waters: Like move to Key West and become a crack addict porn star who keeps sloths and koala bears and throws super cool parties
  28. RT @ConanOBrien: Today I got my 1,000,000th Twitter follower! I am now in the realm of Gods like Ashton, Bieber, Mariah, and updates on ...
  29. RT @ijustine: Check out this creepy koi underwater:
  30. RT @ijustine: Today we are snorkeling!! Fishies look out..
  31. RT @stevie_ryan: RT @thesulk: I love you, life, I'm just not "in love" with you. (Hallmark Suicide Cards)
  32. RT @Alyssa_Milano: Video Games Through the Ages - /via @LIFE
  33. RT @PhillyD: If you were given $1million to make a video what would you put in it or do?
  34. RT @jennettemccurdy: Now at the airport. Radio tour has been unforgettable! I'm really gonna miss @Paulsikes and @Josh_Rush .
  35. RT @jennettemccurdy: Just played in Boston! It was awesome!
  36. RT @ijustine: Saw some sea turtles today :)
  37. RT @ijustine: Omg I think I found the hatch!
  38. RT @HDonoho: Ok I've got a stupidly short skirt on, heels that r way 2 high to walk n and am totally miserable. That must mean I'm ready ...
  39. RT @HDonoho: My husband suggested stockings. These were all I could fetch up. Ha!
  40. RT @DeborahGibson: As close as I'll get 2 the mirrorball trophy!!!
  41. RT @DeborahGibson: My new boyfriend's a bit dumpy!

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